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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Who I am is...

Who I am is…

Hi my name Charly Sandoval and I go to Border high school. I am currently in the eleventh grade and am trying to make meaning to my life. Right now I am working on passing all my classes what is known to be the most important year in high school. This determines not only what college I go to but where I will end up in life. I struggle at times but I wouldn't have made it this far with all the steps I took to get here. There were programs, clubs, family, and most importantly my friends that pushed me this far. I am not stopping here but my goals are to get into a good college and have a future. My most important goal for me is to become a physical therapist because it interests me.
I am a quiet and nice student. I do not cause trouble in class or any distractions. I am a hardworking student trying to reach the top of my grade so that I can go to a good college. I am very athletic or I attend to be when I have the time which is hard to keep up nowadays due to hw and test that I have to keep up with. I come from a family of five at home. I am in the magnet program at fairfax high school. I tend to get my teachers to love me since it is a very big deal. I know for a fact that I will need recommendations in the future and it will be good to ask for a favors every now and then. I barely receive this one thing called sleep. I am usually tired but I tend to hide it as I know I cannot let it affect me in class. To me, C's are not acceptable at all because it shows that I did not work hard enough. This shows who I am and I do not have much outside of school since school sucks the life out of me.
There are a lot of reasons how I got here. I believe that it began when I was in the eighth grade. I began the year thinking to myself I have to do something before I leave the school and go to Fairfax. I was having trouble but then one day my P.E. teacher told me about a club that trains young students like me into running the LA marathon which is 26.2 miles. I thought to myself and I knew for a fact that I couldn't do it physically but mentally I thought to myself, just do it and don't look back. From the start I was having a rough time but I didn't quit. I kept going through and eventually I kept improving slowly. Then after seven months of non stop practice I completed the marathon. It then made me realize something, if I want to complete something, I only have to put my mind to it and I will accomplish it. That also took me to the road of high school. Though that was only the start.
When I arrived in highschool, I didn't find it as difficult as I should have. Things at home kept me balanced and ahead of schedule. Freshman year was the easiest year. All my classes were easy and I felt as if I didn't challenge myself as much. Though at the same time that is where I felt like I had time for something else. That is when I decided to join SRLA again and cross country at the same time. That year was the year where I was at my top physical shape. Thought at the end of the year, my friend mentioned that they are recruiting people for a program called upward bound. I was immediately interested and I applied as quickly as I could. Due to this program I was able to complete two math classes where one was to get ahead and the other was to make up a class I messed up on. This program also helped prepare where to start for college and where to begin. It also prepped me into taking the SAT.
At the moment I am currently still working on school. I recently got a job on weekend so that means that I would have to be juggling a lot of things but I feel as if I can handle it. I come from a family of five. It is an interesting combination. I live with my grandma, grandpa, mom, and older brother. I am the youngest of my siblings. I am also the first one in my entire family to be born in the United States. I am also possibly the youngest one in my family to start working young. The reason I got a job so young is because of college. I want to prepare and start saving up for college since I know that these times are difficult.
I am thankful for having the close friends I have today because they're the ones that helped me get this far. I am thankful for my bestfriend, friends, and especially girlfriend. Not only did they help me but they showed me what's to wait ahead in my journey. I am also thankful to my mentors from upward bound. I am thankful to my trigonometry teacher for preparing me to write essays. Also I will accomplish my lifetime goal to becoming a doctor.


  1. It seems like you are a very studious person and wants to do really well in life>

  2. Fairfax Highschool should be turned into BORDER highschool

  3. It's very interested the way you created this other character which relates to you. Essay is well done with a good format.
