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Thursday, January 29, 2015

This Could Save My Grade

     People live in a world full of many people from all over. People live in great distances from each other depending on the city, state, and country. Although, there is something that connects everyone in the world, this the internet. With the Internet, all those distances seem a lot closer than they were before. For example, someone from Canada could go online on social media, and see information about me despite me being over 100 miles away. From that, they can determine whether that stranger is a good person or bad with the activities online. Most of all, anyone could go online and see what anyone does. If i was to apply to a job or a college, there is no doubt they will not think of looking online to see if a person is qualified or unqualified to be accepted. Whatever is online about a person should not be used to judge or to determine if one is to be accepted to a job or college.
     The internet is all over the the world undoubtedly. It plays a huge roll in society, and it is used everyday by businesses, schools, and online classes. Though without the internet, life would not be any more difficult at all. It would simply be a little little different. We would have to do everything in person. How? With this, people also get to contact people, such as family members from different countries and continents with no extra charge like it would be with phone calls. Most people do keep in contact with social media. Many of my friends in vast distances where I cannot meet with them in person. Social media is not just used for contact but also showing the world who you are. Who you are online can be different from who you are in real life. People on the other hand can pretend to be someone they are not.
     This can backfire on people a lot. If they pretend to be an outrageous person vandalizes who property and posting online about it and also at the very same time they are applying for a job, little do they know that the one who will be looking over there shoulder will be in charge of investigating; therefore, they will see what uncivilized things are there. When they see it, they will not even consider hiring you even for the tiniest job. They will then look for someone more qualified for the job who does not have this identity online. One can post inappropriate items online, but, in person they could be very professional. Why do they they need to look online when they have the civilian right there right in front of them.? If they take everything serious during the interview then I see nothing has to be looked at.
     At John Brown University, which was a Christian college, a student's picture, who went by the name of Michael Guinn was posted on Facebook. Since the college had an honor code or something very very similar to it, it was broken when the pictures were posted online leaving the college no choice but to kick him out. "It was the last straw for them", they would not allow behavior that was shown in the picture. Sometimes students that had access to websites like Facebook, instagram, or snapchat would post something that they didn't think would be inappropriate at all. They "post pictures of themselves holding cans of beer or bottles of liquor -- even when they're underage." Some people might figure that some of these actions need consequences and someone like my classmates should agree, but it does not qualify as exiling someone. They also post pictures of themselves with little or no clothing on at all. Some students even go as far as posting pictures of themselves using illegal drugs and holding firearms. This is a website meant for teens to socialize when other people think of it as reputations and lives on the risk. I admit that the behavior cannot be civilized but though some believe it should not be criticized. I believe it is fair but to some extent. Maybe it is fair but some of the punishments may be too cruel.
     People posting their activities at times puts there future at risk. "This is due to people posting activities that should not have been posted in the first place." The most important people who choose if you pass or fail also have the power to kick you out of your school. Sometimes there is no possible way for you to even be kicked out but now, it is very easy to be kicked out. Why? I will tell you why. For example, if someone was to post pictures of someone with weapons of mass destruction, then the proper authorities would have been called to action then proper action would be taken into making sure you never return to your past school.
     Now some might say or even argue why a school or job would have probable cause to worry what you post online. I argue that they should not even look. Their is always going to be a difference of who you are online and who you are originally in person. Your reputation should depend on what you do in real life not online. What if in real life, someone was to be straight a straight A student, does volunteer work, and much more of what a wonderful should be. Though if one post online was to change that, something a little inappropriate then I don't know society anymore. Whoever someone is online does not reflect who are in real life.

Kornblum, Janet and Marklein Beth, Mary. "What You Say Online Could Haunt You: Schools,

     Employers Scrutinize Social Websites Such as Myspace and Facebook."

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