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  • Part 1 of Final - Part 1 Final: Page 54 You would think it was just a regular day in Los Angeles. It was a sunny morning on a Friday in West Hollywood. I had a me...
    9 years ago
  • - On a beautiful sunny day we were all playing outside with my neighbors. We played all day outside and then it got dark. All of a sudden polices surroun...
    9 years ago
  • - Dear Diary, Today there was so much drama. I ended up going all over the city for him. In the morning he was hanging out with his friends....
    9 years ago
  • How it feels to be taken me - A taken woman like me feels scared, desperate and alive. Wondering a lot, Saying " i love you " to a person wondering to yourself is this too good to be t...
    9 years ago
  • Civil Disobedience - *Civil Disobedience Essay* " If we do not act, we shall survey be dragged down the long, dark and shameful corridors of time reserved for those who posses p...
    9 years ago
  • found haikus 2 - Found Haikus 1. First was the beat cop now there are helicopters just know whats comi...
    9 years ago
  • 1500 Word Essay - Woodstock 1999 Preformed July, 22 to July 25 1999, it was the second large-scale music festival since W...
    9 years ago
  • Descriptive Essay - This winter break I did many things like for instance my dad taught me how to drive, every Sunday. We went to Griffin Park to practice...
    9 years ago
  • EPT - * Margaret Mead:EPT * I agree with with Mead's arg...
    9 years ago

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

      From experience, it is known that anything is possible. Anyone who faced a challenge in their journey to success would know of it. One boy went through the most difficult challenge he has ever done. He was just in middle school at the time. As he started his last year at the school, he wondered about what he's done in that school from the beginning to end. Nothing was done that he would deem memorable. Then news came up of an opportunity that wouldn't have ever gotten before.
      A physical education teacher brought up something about marathon training. It was an opportunity for any average student to run the LA Marathon, all expenses being paid for. All they would ask for is commitment. Carlos is his name. He thought about it and was interested in what they were offering. Later that day, he met up with the coach that would be in charge of the movement. The coach immediately welcomed Carlos to join as he would recommend anyone to face a challenge most of society in Los Angeles wouldn't face. He explained how it would take a lot of physical and mental challenges.
      To join a lot of Carlos' would have to change his habits. His everyday routine will also be different from what he got comfortable with. He would have to wake up earlier than expected. That would mean no more late nights of watching movies and getting out of a warm bed. His practices would be in the mornings running in downtown, running through the LA river and making his way through moist grass fields. His favorite type of terrain is dirt and anything uneven that would make his full attention go through the path he'd be running in. It meant something to him as he ran all throughout the city. Carlos experienced all types of aspects of the city. He would start off his weekend runs in his neighborhood that smelled like burnt rubber and often cement as his area would be under construction most of the time. His area just recovered from a blazing fire a few months ago before his training even started. Sometimes he would still smell something similar to charcoal of as if something is still burning from within.
      Once he had gotten home from a day from school, he would love coming back home to get a meal from his grandma because she was such an excellent cook, Though the most difficult thing that needed committing was eating more healthier. Not that his eating habits were bad but he had to eat more greens so he could actually improve better and quicker. Sometimes he would've gone out with his friend and eat fast food from the restaurants. Though eventually he had to stop.
      Finally the time has come. After seven months of training, the Marathon came. That day he would've had to woken up early in the morning around 3 in the morning to get to dodger stadium. He wo

Monday, March 16, 2015

Poem on Night

Survivors are who they are and who they will be remembered as
They went through everything we don't want to ever happen
Bravery was shared by them
Amongst them was no god
They were on their own from the start
This tested their faith and what they stood up for
They had two options
They either stayed with their faith
Or they chose to survive at all cost
Some have survived and many have died
Most people lost family on the way to survival
They will forever remain strong throughout life and eternity

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Descriptive Essay: My Winter Break

     Right when I started winter break began, I spent some time with my girlfriend after school. After a good time of preparing for a long break without each other, Then I went home and did the usual. Since the school year has been stressful, that night I feel asleep for approximately twelve hours. That was the longest I have ever slept in the entire year. That morning I made a smoothie for breakfast since I like smoothies. I usually put strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries in it along with a banana and oatmeal. That weekend I dedicated to my hard work during finals week which I managed to pass all of them.
     Throughout the break I have had the liberty of creating new activities and completing them since i had a lot of time to myself since school was out. One of the things I was able to do was watch Netflix and playing video games. Although I had a lot of free time, their were times I didn't. Last year was the first time out of all the years me and my family have co-hosted a secret santa within all of us and family friends whom we always spend the holidays with. So I happened to get my grandmother's friend. Her name is Mila and she has been in my life since I was two years old at the time. Even though I knew her most of my entire life, it was very very difficult for me to find the perfect present for her. By the way, she is around sixty two years old. So I went to one place where I would be able to find something. I knew for starters that she would be into Jcpenny and Macys items. I knew that I wouldn't be able to find clothing for her so I had an idea of what I was able to get.
     Something I realized was that she could use and need was a watch. So that being said started my adventure at the Westfield Mall. I went running around what seemed like a never ending mall with endless stores from within. It was all for a perfect watch I was yet left to find. It was very difficult and I also did not want to buy what others would describe as a cheap watch it was for someone that I grew up with in my life. During my endless search I decided to take a break and eat. I went walking to the food court and smelling the the fresh chicken being made. I decided to get mongolian food out of everything available there. As I started eating I felt the steam of the food go through my face and I will tell you that it smells delicious. Even as I'm typing, the thought of it makes me hungry. After I was done eating, I managed to get up ignoring that I was very full from the food I ate and continued searching for what yet is to be found, a perfect watch. I made my way down Macy's at what seemed to be a pile of people doing the same thing and looking for what seems like a perfect gift. I made my way over to the women's section accessories where I was finding the best watch. I could not determine which was better but the price of it helped me know which one I can afford because I'm was broke. Then something magical happened.
     This only ever happens once in a life time, and for the first time it happened to me in a huge mall, something caught my eye with a shine. Like it's that type of shine that tells you it's meant to be. That's when you can tell it's meant to be. As I get closer to where I saw the shine come from, I come upon what seems like a glass case and it was in need of a key. I asked for assistance and I recieved it. Though it was not that simple, it appeared as if the employees did not know of the key that belonged to the case. Oh I waited for what seemed centuries for them to find the right key. However my curiosity grew and grew until it came alive. I tried to open the case myself and while trying that I made a discovery. The stupid lock was broken and was in no need of a key. I then took out a marvelous case and opened it and I found the perfect watch. It was perfect size and better yet perfect price. I bought it knowing I have done the impossible. I went home that day happy and full of pride. 

Thursday, January 29, 2015

This Could Save My Grade

     People live in a world full of many people from all over. People live in great distances from each other depending on the city, state, and country. Although, there is something that connects everyone in the world, this the internet. With the Internet, all those distances seem a lot closer than they were before. For example, someone from Canada could go online on social media, and see information about me despite me being over 100 miles away. From that, they can determine whether that stranger is a good person or bad with the activities online. Most of all, anyone could go online and see what anyone does. If i was to apply to a job or a college, there is no doubt they will not think of looking online to see if a person is qualified or unqualified to be accepted. Whatever is online about a person should not be used to judge or to determine if one is to be accepted to a job or college.
     The internet is all over the the world undoubtedly. It plays a huge roll in society, and it is used everyday by businesses, schools, and online classes. Though without the internet, life would not be any more difficult at all. It would simply be a little little different. We would have to do everything in person. How? With this, people also get to contact people, such as family members from different countries and continents with no extra charge like it would be with phone calls. Most people do keep in contact with social media. Many of my friends in vast distances where I cannot meet with them in person. Social media is not just used for contact but also showing the world who you are. Who you are online can be different from who you are in real life. People on the other hand can pretend to be someone they are not.
     This can backfire on people a lot. If they pretend to be an outrageous person vandalizes who property and posting online about it and also at the very same time they are applying for a job, little do they know that the one who will be looking over there shoulder will be in charge of investigating; therefore, they will see what uncivilized things are there. When they see it, they will not even consider hiring you even for the tiniest job. They will then look for someone more qualified for the job who does not have this identity online. One can post inappropriate items online, but, in person they could be very professional. Why do they they need to look online when they have the civilian right there right in front of them.? If they take everything serious during the interview then I see nothing has to be looked at.
     At John Brown University, which was a Christian college, a student's picture, who went by the name of Michael Guinn was posted on Facebook. Since the college had an honor code or something very very similar to it, it was broken when the pictures were posted online leaving the college no choice but to kick him out. "It was the last straw for them", they would not allow behavior that was shown in the picture. Sometimes students that had access to websites like Facebook, instagram, or snapchat would post something that they didn't think would be inappropriate at all. They "post pictures of themselves holding cans of beer or bottles of liquor -- even when they're underage." Some people might figure that some of these actions need consequences and someone like my classmates should agree, but it does not qualify as exiling someone. They also post pictures of themselves with little or no clothing on at all. Some students even go as far as posting pictures of themselves using illegal drugs and holding firearms. This is a website meant for teens to socialize when other people think of it as reputations and lives on the risk. I admit that the behavior cannot be civilized but though some believe it should not be criticized. I believe it is fair but to some extent. Maybe it is fair but some of the punishments may be too cruel.
     People posting their activities at times puts there future at risk. "This is due to people posting activities that should not have been posted in the first place." The most important people who choose if you pass or fail also have the power to kick you out of your school. Sometimes there is no possible way for you to even be kicked out but now, it is very easy to be kicked out. Why? I will tell you why. For example, if someone was to post pictures of someone with weapons of mass destruction, then the proper authorities would have been called to action then proper action would be taken into making sure you never return to your past school.
     Now some might say or even argue why a school or job would have probable cause to worry what you post online. I argue that they should not even look. Their is always going to be a difference of who you are online and who you are originally in person. Your reputation should depend on what you do in real life not online. What if in real life, someone was to be straight a straight A student, does volunteer work, and much more of what a wonderful should be. Though if one post online was to change that, something a little inappropriate then I don't know society anymore. Whoever someone is online does not reflect who are in real life.

Kornblum, Janet and Marklein Beth, Mary. "What You Say Online Could Haunt You: Schools,

     Employers Scrutinize Social Websites Such as Myspace and Facebook."

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

                                                               What is an american?
An American is someone with freedom. For example an American has many benefits. However an American can do many things like get out of the country and come back.  Another thing an American has a lot of Benefits that a government can help.

For example if you have a problem you can go with any government office and ask for help from them. Another thing is that if you want to vote for someone you must be a citizen or be a natural born American.

Many people from other country that are pregnant come to America to give birth. Like my mom she can here to give birth to me because she thought that it was the best for me. I don't have to struggle to get out of this country or to have benefits like other people.

In my opinion been American is good because I could do many stuff. Like ones a turn 18 I could vote whoever I want. I also could visit other country and still come back without having trouble. For you to be an American you must be born here or like
in America for a few years.

Who I am is...

Who I am is…

Hi my name Charly Sandoval and I go to Border high school. I am currently in the eleventh grade and am trying to make meaning to my life. Right now I am working on passing all my classes what is known to be the most important year in high school. This determines not only what college I go to but where I will end up in life. I struggle at times but I wouldn't have made it this far with all the steps I took to get here. There were programs, clubs, family, and most importantly my friends that pushed me this far. I am not stopping here but my goals are to get into a good college and have a future. My most important goal for me is to become a physical therapist because it interests me.
I am a quiet and nice student. I do not cause trouble in class or any distractions. I am a hardworking student trying to reach the top of my grade so that I can go to a good college. I am very athletic or I attend to be when I have the time which is hard to keep up nowadays due to hw and test that I have to keep up with. I come from a family of five at home. I am in the magnet program at fairfax high school. I tend to get my teachers to love me since it is a very big deal. I know for a fact that I will need recommendations in the future and it will be good to ask for a favors every now and then. I barely receive this one thing called sleep. I am usually tired but I tend to hide it as I know I cannot let it affect me in class. To me, C's are not acceptable at all because it shows that I did not work hard enough. This shows who I am and I do not have much outside of school since school sucks the life out of me.
There are a lot of reasons how I got here. I believe that it began when I was in the eighth grade. I began the year thinking to myself I have to do something before I leave the school and go to Fairfax. I was having trouble but then one day my P.E. teacher told me about a club that trains young students like me into running the LA marathon which is 26.2 miles. I thought to myself and I knew for a fact that I couldn't do it physically but mentally I thought to myself, just do it and don't look back. From the start I was having a rough time but I didn't quit. I kept going through and eventually I kept improving slowly. Then after seven months of non stop practice I completed the marathon. It then made me realize something, if I want to complete something, I only have to put my mind to it and I will accomplish it. That also took me to the road of high school. Though that was only the start.
When I arrived in highschool, I didn't find it as difficult as I should have. Things at home kept me balanced and ahead of schedule. Freshman year was the easiest year. All my classes were easy and I felt as if I didn't challenge myself as much. Though at the same time that is where I felt like I had time for something else. That is when I decided to join SRLA again and cross country at the same time. That year was the year where I was at my top physical shape. Thought at the end of the year, my friend mentioned that they are recruiting people for a program called upward bound. I was immediately interested and I applied as quickly as I could. Due to this program I was able to complete two math classes where one was to get ahead and the other was to make up a class I messed up on. This program also helped prepare where to start for college and where to begin. It also prepped me into taking the SAT.
At the moment I am currently still working on school. I recently got a job on weekend so that means that I would have to be juggling a lot of things but I feel as if I can handle it. I come from a family of five. It is an interesting combination. I live with my grandma, grandpa, mom, and older brother. I am the youngest of my siblings. I am also the first one in my entire family to be born in the United States. I am also possibly the youngest one in my family to start working young. The reason I got a job so young is because of college. I want to prepare and start saving up for college since I know that these times are difficult.
I am thankful for having the close friends I have today because they're the ones that helped me get this far. I am thankful for my bestfriend, friends, and especially girlfriend. Not only did they help me but they showed me what's to wait ahead in my journey. I am also thankful to my mentors from upward bound. I am thankful to my trigonometry teacher for preparing me to write essays. Also I will accomplish my lifetime goal to becoming a doctor.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

EPT Essay

     What is advertisement? There are many ways to advertise. Some people use simple commercials to advertise products and let people know that it is out there and suitable in the market. Some companies use billboards and signs on buses to get the word out. In other words it is using public transportation as a way of advertisement. We can see it everyday. Most of the time when companies want something sold immediately they use a celebrity. When people see a celebrity in a commercial advertising a product, they automatically thinks that it is a good product since that individual uses it. Though this often misleads us. Even though the celebrities advertise it, they may not even like it at all. They only do these type of  commercials for one reason, money. So why should we waste our money on something that is "loved" by a celebrity when it could be a false judgement. I believe that their type of advertisement should not be allowed.
     A lot of time, products are being advertised by well known celebrities to convince the viewers to buy whatever a company wants sold. Most of the time the celebrity themselves don't even like the product yet they try to convince others to buy it for many reasons. One reason is so that the companies may receive a lot of money from viewers all over the country. Another reason is so that the celebrity themselves may receive millions of dollars over that one commercial. In this case, it is unfair that a celebrity is advertising for their own benefit. They mislead the viewers trying to watch t.v. This sometimes leads people losing money over false hopes.
     Some people might often think that it is a false statement, that the celebrities themselves love whatever it is they're trying to put on the market. At times the viewer is often blamed for trying to buy whatever it is that convinced them to buy something from an unreliable source. Some people think it is right for the people to try out the product before it is ever advertised. They also believe that it is the viewer's fault for falling into the advertisers trap and that there is no one to blame. There are many reasons why they're wrong. First, why should we even by something that is falsely advertised just for some company to get money. It shouldn't be advertised overall if the celebrity doesn't even use or own whatever it is being sold.
     Once again, this type of advertisement shouldn't be allowed because it isn't fair sharing false advertisement to the public if it isn't true.